
This website is dedicated to the courageous souls who are willing to cross over to a more perfect reality!

What is a GAP Crosser?

GAP Crossers are people desiring or in the process of...

- Finding their fit -
- Building and strengthen their relationships -
- Releasing their unique voice and -
- Impacting their sphere of influence -

To find their unique place in History! Is this you? Please join us on the journey!


free GAP Crosser membership 

(No Catch - It's REALLY  Free)

To invite others to their own free membership, please use this link: 


They'll also get a free download of our powerful audio declaration, "I Choose Life."

Coaches Randy and Robin 

Choose any area of your life where you want to transition from where you currently are to a reality more perfect for you. Would you like some help and support?

We have a long track record of training and coaching individuals to move forward in life and at work and now we are transitioning into a freely receive business modelSomeone else paid so you could have access to this life-changing of opportunity!

As a member, you can choose to Give-it-Forward to someone else, but are under no obligation to so. We will never hassle you.

Inside the member's area, you'll find a growing assortment of tips, training and tools to assist you in breaking barriers so you can progress into your more perfect reality.

So...here's the beginning of what we hope develops into a life-giving relationship with you!

Some things to check out...

The GAP Crosser Vision

Our Vision is individuals telling History more accurately by allowing God to reveal Himself through their life’s extraordinary, abundant contribution.

The objectives of our vision are to create an environment that helps individuals:


Where is your life taking you?

Better Reality

Imagine yourself getting in your car to go 'somewhere' without clearly defining where 'somewhere' is. How do you get there? How will you know when you have arrived? You’d probably never do this, yet this is how many people live their lives.

Most people will tell you they want to be successful, yet they’ve never defined for themselves what success is.


The Freely Receive Business Model

We operate under a unique Freely Receive Business Model. GAP Crosser Level 1 members are invited to use our products and services without charge*.  

All of our products are copyrighted material and come with the following restrictions...

*The items sold in our store are those we have to pay for through third-party vendors.


The Give-it-Forward Economy

Our business/ministry is to love people…period...no strings attached!

We operate on a unique Freely Receive Business Model. We were taught to do business a very different way and initially set out to build a "brand" using the traditional internet marketing methods...an irresistible offer as a "lead magnet," a high value, low cost item as a "trip wire," "up-sells," etc. Trip wire...great term...


Please consider helping us through a one-time or monthly donation to Give-it-Forward so someone else can Cross the GAP.

*Please note, we are NOT a 501C3 tax-exempt organization, so you cannot deduct your payment/s from your taxes. You are in essence purchasing a membership for someone else to use (kind of like buying them a gift certificate). Purpose to Profit Training, Coaching and Consulting, LLC pays tax on all business income through the Give-it-Forward program.

Please indicate whether you are making a one-time or monthly donation.

Our Story

Purpose to Profit started out as a business venture between two friends. I (Randy) was bi-vocational, working as pastor and also subcontracting as a leadership development coach for businesses.

Robin, who was a longtime member and associate pastor at my church, had been in the health care industry for 26 years when we began discussing business possibilities.  

These weekly business meetings went on for awhile, discussing a new method of training and coaching, based on a unique seven-step model I had been developing. The idea was to help people profit by...


Blogs and vlogs

Member Stories

This is the future home of a great story that gives glory to God...

Your Name - Occupation

This is the future home of a great story that gives glory to God...

Your name Occupation

This is the future home of a great story that gives glory to God...

Your Name - Occupation

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